Publishing Services


    Whether you are just getting started or have spent years on your manuscript, there is no better time than now to get professional help. Our team will review your draft and send feedback that will help you to complete your manuscript to its highest potential. As your editor, we are available as much as you need us throughout the process. We check in with you weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly depending on how much time and encouragement you need to finish writing.

    $1000+ get started

    You know the old saying, never judge a book by its cover? It’s totally not true. We judge every book by its cover and so do the majority of readers. All jokes aside, a weak cover design is no laughing matter. The cover of your book has the potential to turn readers on or turn them off. And we prefer to be turned on. The right artwork, photography, colors, and typography make all the difference. We will design your cover to look award winning, just in time to win actual awards.


    Our team has an abundance of creative resources and exceptionally good taste in design. Lucky for you, graphic design is our forte. We will advise you on the best format, size, and styling for your book depending on the type of book you are publishing and the intended audience. Book layouts can be time and labor intensive, and they require special software that not everyone has access to. Don’t worry, we can help! And we can even recommend affordable printers too.

    $2000+ get started

    Now that your book is ready to print, it’s time for a publisher to back it. As you might be aware of by now, self publishing is not exactly taken seriously in the publishing world. Distributors will always ask for the name of the publisher before even entertaining the idea of distributing your book. Dream Magic Publications exists to help authors overcome this obstacle by providing a high quality and reputable name to back you. If we believe in you, so will they!

    $500 get started


    • publishing credentials
    • use of dream magic publications logo
    • legal copy to include in book
    • book listing on website
  • ISBN

    The ISBN world can be a tricky one to navigate. There are a lot of spam sites that exist out there trying to get you to pay more than you need to for your ISBN. They will also try to upsell you on a barcode which isn’t necessary. A single ISBN runs for $125. But if you buy 10 ISBNS, you only pay $250. If you don’t want to go through the hassle of setting up an account, we can provide you with an ISBN for only $100 and make the entire process quick and easy.

    $100+ get started


    • 1 registered isbn

    There are three ways to copyright your book, and we recommend taking as many pre-cautions as necessary to protect your published work. The most important place to start is with the Library of Congress. The next step is to register your work with the Writers Guild of America (WGA). And if you REALLY want to go for it, Legal Zoom offers copyright protection for a very low price. We will help you make your book untouchable. Wait... let’s rephrase that. Unstoppable.

    $450 get started


    • library of congress
    • writers guild
      (all registration fees covered)